I never knew there was so much to learn about carpet cleaning, floor care and upholstery!
Our amazing team of technicians managed to achieve some incredible results on saving carpets. I was so impressed by the results that I wanted to share this with the world. Let’s face it – The team will also appreciate that we share their amazing hard work.
I too had the assumption that all carpet cleaners were the same and it couldn’t be too dissimilar to the ones you can hire yourself! How wrong was I!?
I’ll tell you, I was very wrong!
Art of Clean has a mission statement: To deliver the most outstanding service experience ever! Now I know I’m biased because I work here but I have never known a company to go above and beyond at every opportunity to deliver that mission to its fullest.
There is so much to know about carpet, how it’s made, what it’s made of, how it can react to different cleaning techniques to name but a few.
I can honestly say the results that the team get every single day just astound me. I am always so shocked to see the transformations they produce.
I’ll stop waffling and let the pictures do the talking!

A before and an after of this customers stairs. We have driers that we bring along to aid in the speedy drying process so that you can get back to normal as quickly as possible.
I don’t know about you but WOW! I am blown away when I see pictures like these. You can see in the before picture there is some real ground in grime there. Using standard home methods would only make this worse. You can see the pre-spray in the pump action bottle; this goes on to break down the grease and dirt embedded in the fibres of the carpet. The technician uses the brush to agitate the carpet so the pre-spray can really get to work. Just look at the after photo! You would hardly notice it was even there!
Once the pre-spray has worked its magic we can then begin to extract and rinse. This is where the fun starts as you get to see all the dirt disappear before your very eyes.
Not only can we bring our own water but we can also take away all of the waste water too.
The beauty of our truck mounted machines is that it is a much more powerful and effective way of cleaning your carpets. The extraction and rinsing means that there is no residue left from any of our eco friendly cleaning products that might attract dirt in the future if not rinsed out thoroughly, there is next to no water left in the carpet which means that with a bit of airflow over the carpets they will be dry in 6-8 hours.
We can also apply a protection after the carpets have been cleaned. This gives you an extra bit of time to grab a cloth before any spillage soaks in. As an added bonus it also gives you a 45 days free spot clean. If you have a spillage on your carpet that you’ve had protected we will rush back as soon as mutually convenient to clean it for you. You’re welcome.
We will leave you with a spot cleaner too, in case you need to grab some in the future you can find it HERE. You’ll find lots of other fantastic and helpful products there too.
Thank you for taking the time to read the blog.
Working for domestic or commercial
clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.
For more information on our services contact our friendly team on
01223 863632 or email us at info@artofclean.co.uk