Male peacocks flutter their rather lovely feathers in an effort to attractive the female of the species. Now, what in the world does this have to do with rugs? I here you ask.
Nothing at all, but here's a rather lovely one by The Rug Company.
Brought in for a spot of cleaning, this is one of the more striking rugs we've had the pleasure of dealing with, and it goes to show that not every rug needs to be traditional. The feathers or rain drops, however you see it, blot colour everywhere and draw the eye, keeping this rug interesting, long past it's purchase date.
This one is not so much for walking on as it is for hanging, but there you have another use for rugs: art. Tapestries have been giving people pleasure for centuries. A prime example of a wonderful piece is at the Victoria and Albert Museum - London.
John Lewis currently have a range of interesting designs to decorate your floor, something different to make a centre piece and a conversation starter.
And here's one we found just to boggle your mind from Sacramento Airport, USA.
Rug cleaning brings with it countless confounding conundrums. Staining is obviously the largest bug bear for any rug or carpet owner. Whether it's your children dripping their Ribena on the new beige carpet, your thoughtless other half traipsing in muddied feet after begrudgingly mowing the lawn (because you've been asking him since the start of Summer and it's September now), or your elderly pet loosing a little urine, it's all stains at the end of the day.
It all means it needs a clean!
It all means, call the professionals.
Art of Clean have been spot fixing, blotting, scrubbing, washing, dabbing and daubing stains for over ten years now and show no signs of stopping.
Working for domestic or commercial
clients throughout Cambridgeshire, Essex, Suffolk and Hertfordshire.
For more information on our services contact our friendly team on
01223 863632 or email us at