We've all heard the advice..
.don't take work home with you.
But for one of our trained technicians it was actually the best thing to do!
"It comes in handy knowing how to clean carpets lol just got home to find the cats had caught a rabbit and there was blood everywhere , the pic is just the biggest bit there was bloody paw prints all over the place !!! didn't even have spotting kit or truck-mount but managed to get rid of it all before the misses got home lol , I might have to borrow the truck mount and some envirosafe still if that's okay Pierre the carpet could do with a little tlc anyway ."
Thankfully for John he knew how to remove blood stains. If you need some further information on carpet cleaning and the services we provide please contact us on 01223 863632 or visit
www.artofclean.co.uk. Ask about our Maintenance Plan if your'd like your carpets to be kept clean and hygienic all year round.