We have a 9-step professional rug cleaning process including:
1. Audit of your rug, to check the type of dye which has been used in your rug, to ensure there is no colour loss. And also the type of method used to weave the rug.
2. Rug Dusting – some rugs can hold up to 1 pound of dirt! So we vacuum them first.
3. We put the rug in a special rug bath – All rugs with odour causing sources such as urine, mould, mildew, or insect infestations require decontamination.
4. Rug washing The rug will be submerged and given a cold water shampoo bath, using soft brushes for mild agitation
5. Rug rinse – Removal off all cleaning and soil residue by means of clear water rinse is vital of achieving a thoroughly clean rug.
6. Rug Centrifruge drying system – This ensures that the drying of your rug is speeded up 10 times compared to any other method used by other cleaning companies.
7. Rug protector – After the rug has been cleaned we can move on to applying the protector. This barrier coats each fibre to protect against re-soiling and staining. This allows you to simply mop up spillages as it prevents the fibre absorbing spills.
8. Rug drying – Air movers and dehumidifiers are used to help facilitate drying, without the use of high heat (so there is no worry of shrinkage).
9. Rug fringe work and washed- Fringes are inspected and occasionally washed an additional time. They are then dried. The rug is given a final grooming with a brush.
Your rug will now be as good as new, with no loss of colour or texture.
To see it for yourselves please check out our You Tube channel.