Tuesday 12 August 2014

Renovate hardwood floor without full sanding

Your lovely hardwood floor may look like it needs reviving and you may be thinking “how do I sand floor boards?”, or “where can I hire a floor sander?”  But restoring wood floors can involve a laborious process sanding floorboards using a drum or belt sander followed by rotary sander. This process completely removes all old finishes from the floor and is a lengthily and messy procedure.

But this process is though not always necessary!

Do you need to sand your floor first?  A light sand and re-coating on your wood floor will enhance the finish and add a protective layer to the floor, without the mess and expense of a lengthy sanding process. There are some requirements though:

The floor cannot be badly worn
The floor has to be smooth and even
This process will not remove deep scratches or fix colour variation

There are key questions should you ask a wood floor company before you let them re-coat your wood floor:

Have you carried out re-coating work on wood floors many times before?
How would you prevent the fresh coat of finish to adhere to the old coat?

It is sometimes hard to tell if the finish will adhere and, we here at Art of Clean have access to a great product in the Pallmann range that gets applied to the floor prior to the fresh coat and this give full adhesion.

We completed a re-coat on a wood block floor and you can see the improvement.....

Renovate hardwood floor, sanding floorboards, sanding, re-coating, floor sander hire, clean wooden floor, art of clean, Cambridge

Renovate hardwood floor, sanding floorboards, sanding, re-coating, floor sander hire, clean wooden floor, art of clean, Cambridge

Renovate hardwood floor, sanding floorboards, sanding, re-coating, floor sander hire, clean wooden floor, art of clean, Cambridge

These improvements are not as drastic as full floor sanding though the benefits are vast and include:

You do not sand your wood floor away every time - only a very light "key back" sand is required It takes much less time and usually dries faster than a full sand and seal.
A fresh protective barrier gives your floor full protection.

For best results this service should be carried out on your wood floor BEFORE your floor starts to show a lot of wear. Once wear has caused the lacquer to break in you are through to bare wood you will require a full sand and re-finish.

A question we get asked a lot is "can an oiled floor be re-coated?"

Yes a wood floor that was oiled before can be re-coated with either a fresh coat of oil or it can be pre-treated with a product where after we can apply a coating of lacquer to the floor to give you a sheen

For more info on how to protect and care for your wood floor investment contact Art of Clean on 01223863632 or visit our website at www.artofclean.co.uk